How to Take An Effective Mental Health Day
Set Clear Intentions … what do you need for the day to recharge?
Do you need to relax .. emotional release .. physical activity .. decide and then be intentional with the day.
*** No matter what UNPLUG from work *** Set boundaries and avoid checking work emails or engaging in stressful work issues. Turn off notifications, set and out-of-office response and mentally commit to your break.
*** Prioritize rest *** Sleep in, take naps if that helps, or just lounge around. Allow your mind and body to recuperate.
*** Do something you enjoy *** This is different for everyone: reading, gardening, cooking, watching a movie, or engaging in your favorite hobby.
*** Nature is calling *** Take a walk, hike or even just sit outside. Nature has been shown to have calming effects and can help you feel more at peace.
***Limit Social Media *** We all know by now that social media can often be overwhelming and negatively impact our mental health. Try to limit or even completely avoid it just for the day.
*** Don’t forget to move *** Exercise releases endorphins, which can improve your mood. Even light exercises like yoga or stretching can be beneficial.